Learn about Illinois FOP Resources and Benefits. Some benefits include automatic enrollment in an Accidental Death Insurance Benefit, scholarships, and much more. Additionally, read the full list of Illinois FOP resources and benefits below.
The Illinois State Lodge has contracted with BCN Strategies, a full-time professional lobbying firm to represent the legislative interests of our members. We are part of the largest organization of police officers in the United States. The FOP serves as a significant advocate for its members. We also have notable efforts toward maintaining pension and collective bargaining rights. Visit the Legislative Update webpage to find legislative priorities and bill status updates. Follow our efforts with and “like” us on Facebook for regular legislative news.
The Critical Incident Support Team (CIST) is available 24 hours per day, seven days a week, They provide confidential peer support and information, as well as personal counseling or social service referrals. Should a major critical incident occur, such as a shooting that involves a police officer, the CIST will respond by notifying the Illinois Network of Critical Incident Stress Management. If requested, CIST will also send a team member to assist the officer, family, and department. If the critical incident involves a line of duty death, the CIST can assist in the preparations of a law enforcement funeral.
The Disaster Response Unit provides response to Illinois FOP members, police officers and their families during times of disaster. We provide physical support in temporary repair of homes and recovery of property. The Unit also provides communication services to other family members and counseling services as needed. Feeding officers in need during a disaster will also be possible in many cases.
The Illinois State Lodge provides accidental death and dismemberment insurance for all members in good standing, at no additional cost. This is regardless of whether the accident occurs while on duty or not. Please also see the one-page overview titled “Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefits” for a summary of what is covered and benefit amounts.
The Associate Chaplaincy program was created to enhance the delivery and quality of law enforcement services through the provision of pastoral care to officers in times of personal need and crisis. Chaplains provide services as requested and all information is kept confidential. Associate Chaplains are to be Christian friends. They meet an officer’s needs on a one-on-one basis by listening, counseling, and/or referring to other resources as is appropriate for each situation. Please visit the chaplaincy page to find the FOP chaplain assigned to your area.
Each year, the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police awards $9,000 in scholarships to college students whose parents are members in good standing. This is also chosen at random. There is one applicant from each of the 18 representative FOP districts in Illinois, They will also receives $500 towards college expenses.
The Legal Defense Plan is a self-funded ERISA plan, solely owned and operated by the National FOP. It is also available to eligible FOP groups and individual members active and retired. The plan also provides defense coverage for administrative, civil, and criminal actions that arise out of law enforcement duties. For more information, visit www.foplegal.com.
Exclusive for active members, Fraternal Order of Police License Plates show pride in fraternalism and law enforcement. Please contact us to purchase yours.
Are you pre-65 and looking for health insurance for yourself and your dependents? Look no further IL FOP teamed up with Thin Blue Line Benefits to offer members health insurance. For cost and more information https://thinbluelinebenefits.com/illinoisfop/
In addition to the chaplaincy and CIST programs, the IL FOP Outreach program assists with taking donations for officers in need. The Outreach program is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), founded over 100 years ago in 1915, is the largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers in the United States.