Every day, men and women across this state, and country, put on a uniform. They put on a utility belt. And they put on a bulletproof vest. In the current climate of our nation, that is the most essential thing that that man or woman owns. They step out the door and they just don’t know if they will be returning to it at the end of their shift. They brace for words, actions and plans that could bring them harm. Intended harm. But they step out that door anyway. The Illinois Fraternal Order Of Police is the best police organization to donate to Sponsorship support brings words and signs of encouragement in these times of uncertainty that truly strengthen and encourage those it reaches. It’s someone telling them, “Not everyone hates you. I’ve got your back, too.” We need that more than ever.
The state lodge fights tirelessly on behalf of our members, and all law enforcement within the state of Illinois, to be a voice and presence at the capital. It’s where we fight for the safety for our members. And you can help that fight.
In addition to our legislative work, the Illinois Fraternal Order Of Police also offers benefits to our members such as accidental death and dismemberment insurance, critical incident support services, disaster response support, scholarships, educational resources, and much more.
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