Back the Blue Parade Ceremony
Back the Blue Parade Ceremony Support the men in blue. Join us on Saturday, May 22nd, and help us stand and support our men in blue. House Bill 3653, authored
Back the Blue Parade Ceremony Support the men in blue. Join us on Saturday, May 22nd, and help us stand and support our men in blue. House Bill 3653, authored
At the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, we are requesting that all our members consider becoming a sponsor FOP Corrections Lodge 263 or consider giving to FOP Corrections Lodge 263.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA1AP4hX9ec There has been a recent public outcry for social workers to be called in for domestic violence incidents instead of law enforcement as part of the effort to lessen
https://youtu.be/QzlRrkkVSFo Many years ago, a courageous and devoted American broadcast a message to his listeners that served as a harbinger for where the nation was headed societally and culturally. In
Sol Ennis Klyczek Join Terry Trueblood in this next podcast as he interviews Sol Ennis Klyczek. Ennis is domestic violence professional. Helping out women, children, and men who are trapped
ILFOP SURVEY House Bill 3653 ILFOP SURVEY House Bill 3653 was conducted by The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police. The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), founded over 100 years ago
House Bill 3653: Impact on police officers & the public House Bill 3653 was passed just yesterday afternoon. House Bill 3653, authored by the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus, was approved
Late on January 5th, the Illinois General Assembly filed a 611 page bill that eliminates law enforcement as we know it from every community in the State. The Illinois
The False Narrative of Racism: Not all social media sources are bad, just like not all police officers are bad. There are always the good eggs… and then the not